Home101 Dalmatians The Series Patch

101 Dalmatians The Series Patch

Dalmatians Characters TV Tropes    openclose all folders  Multimedia Characters Dogs and Animals    Pongo . And yet so much has happened since then, that it seems more like an eternity. He is the husband of Perdita and father of 1. Action Dad In the movie, when he and Perdita fight Jasper and Horace. Affectionate Nickname Roger affectionately refers to Pongo as. Or vice versa. Beware the Nice Ones Pongo is as charming and adorable as animated dogs can be. As long as you dont mess with his children. Demoted to Extra In the sequel due to Patch becoming the main protagonist, as well as in TV series since three of his children become the protagonists. Foil Pongo is the fun loving, laid back parenting in contrast to Perditas stern, elegant parenting. Happily Married With Perdita. Henpecked Husband In the episode,. Their treatment of the bad guys is SCARY. You do not mess with puppies and let their parents find out. Shipper on Deck Subverted although he actively works as matchmaker for Roger and Anita, he doesnt specifically ship them, he just wants Roger to end up with somebody. Alternately, he only shipped them so he could ship himself with Perdita. The Smart Guy Throughout the adventure, different sides of Pongos personality were showcased. Dalmatians Dog Names and Others from Disney. Dalmatians II Patchs London Adventure is a directtovideo adventure film, a sequel to the animated Disney comedy film, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, starring. Other Aliases. The Ghost of Christmas Past Gipdac The Shaggy Green Messenger Gender. Female Species. Dog Dalmatian Appearances. Dalmatians The Series. In the original story of 101 Dalmatians, Pongo and his mate, Missis Pongo, had a litter of fifteen puppies. They were later joined by Perdita, a mother Dalmatian. Les 101 Dalmatiens 2 Sur la trace des hros ou Les 101 Dalmatiens 2 Laventure londonienne de Patch au Qubec 101 Dalmatians II Patchs London Adventure est. Images and sounds of the characters from 102 Dalmatians. Voice actors images from the 102 Dalmatians voice cast. Dalmatians The Series Patch' title='101 Dalmatians The Series Patch' />101 Dalmatians II Patchs London Adventure is a 2003 American directtovideo animated adventure musical comedydrama film, written and directed by Jim Kammerud and. Dalmatians 101 Dalmatians is a 1996 American family comedy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures, and a remake of the Disney animated film One Hundred and One. He was shown to be intelligent, tactical, and stealthy. With his wits, he was able to outsmart the cunning Cruella, and her bumbling henchman, almost flawlessly. And with these assets, Pongo and his family were able to return home safely. Down, dear. She is the pet of Anita, wife of Pongo, and the mother of fifteen Dalmatian puppies as well as adoptive mother of other eighty four puppies. Action Mom In the movie, she and Pongo fight Jasper and Horace. Adaptational Intelligence Perdita is smarter compared to Pongos ditzy wife in the book version, Missis. Adaptation Name Change In the book version, her name was. As long as you dont mess with her children. Brainless Beauty Missis in the books cant count and is unable to tell right from left. Composite Character Missis was Pongos wife in the books. Perdita was another dog to nurse the puppies. The movies and TV series made them one character Perdita. Demoted to Extra In the sequel and in the TV series. Foil Perdita is very well mannered, elegant and radiant a complete foil to Pongos carefree nature. She is also rather stern, and appears to be a tad more prominent when it comes to disciplining her children, as well as the rascally Pongo. Happily Married With Pongo. Ill Girl How Perdita is found in the book. Mama Bear Perdita is perhaps the only female character in the old school Disney Animated Canon who truly enters combat and thats when her puppies are threatened. Meaningful Name Perditas name means. It also means the feminine form of. While her name has nothing to with her, it does relate to her and Pongos puppies going missing. In the original novel, Perdita was a stray a lost dog before being brought home to help nurse the puppies, making her name make much more sense. Nice Girl Perdita is motherly, gentle, loving, caring, honest, kind, thoughtful, and generous. Only Known by Their Nickname Her full name is used only once in the entire film she is called. He is the puppy who nearly dies soon after his birth in both the animated and live action films, but was revived through the efforts of Roger Radcliffe. Afterward, he was one of the weakest puppies, and was a rival to the more active Patch. Lucky is usually seen sitting in front of the television, and has a tendency to stand in front of it. In general, he is seen to be more of a follower than a leader. Badass Adorable In the TV show. Born Lucky Save for a few bad moments, karmic or not, in the series. In the movie, not so much. Celebrity Is Overrated He finds this out the hard way in. This is undone for the TV series, where Cadpig is a character, and Lucky is a lot more like he was in the book a natural leader and Determinator. Determinator If Lucky has a particular goal in mind, be it seeing the new Thunderbolt film or ensuring they dont have to eat a generic brand dog food, hell do everything to try meeting it. Such as how hell risk getting caught by Cruella to retrieve Rogers video game project from Scorch. Or fearlessly attempt to retrieve Nannys purse from a mugger all by himself. Disney Death Has one immediately after being born, which gives him his name. Fanboy Of Thunderbolt, and to a lesser extent Go Go. Foil He holds a small rivalry with Patch they are very similar in personality, however there are a few differences. Lucky is confident and arrogant as apposed to Patch who is insecure and humble. The Hero In the series. Ironic Name The movie also sort of makes his name an ironic one, as he has a habit of not being lucky at all if something unfortunate happens to one of the puppies its generally him. Jerk with a Heart of Gold He can be a huge dick sometimes but he truly cares about his family and friends. Large Ham Has his moments in the TV series. Meaningful Name The spots on his back form a horseshoe pattern. However, its much more likely he got his name from what happened when he was first born, Anita points out hes. And if it werent for my total commitment to world peace, Id kick your sorry little. She is very much into New Age philosophies and does her best to promote her ideals and spread goodwill throughout the world. While her small stature has prevented her from obtaining the same level of strength as her brothers and sisters, she is much more learned than them and has a better understanding of the world. Beware the Nice Ones She speaks for world peace, but dont ever rile her. Break Them by Talking Cadpig often likes to analyze anyone she confronts and try her own type of. Cases being Talking Lambo in to surrendering, just to get her to stop talking, or reducing an entire pack of Doberman to Blubbering Wrecks. Canon Immigrant A strange version. She is present, and one of the major characters, in the original novels, but in the Disney version shes totally absent except for the series, where shes a main character. The Chick Cadpig is the most feminine of the main four. Fourth Wall Observer Cadpig frequently acknowledges the audiences presence via Lampshade Hanging and Aside Glances. One such instance has her comment about how Roger telling Lucky hes his favorite. Lampshaded in the first episode when a mugger steals Nannys purse. Give back that purse, you BIG JERK Like when she psyches out the other competitors at a Kanine Krunchies audition via backhanded comments about their acts. Or repeatedly insults Rollys desire to become Chief Firedog by pointing out that shes imagining him as the. This isnt explained in the TV show, but is made a point of in the original novel, where Cadpig is the puppy thats almost stillborn but is saved, and she is the smallest and weakest of all the puppies. Nightmare Face Cadpig has one of the most expressive faces out of the cast, so these were inevitable. Her most notable one featured bloodshot eyes and a Slasher Smile of shark like teeth. Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant Cadpig can be quite creepy at times when her darker side comes to the surface. Such as how she expressed a disturbing delight in using Valentines Day as an excuse to guilt trip and psyche out people. Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness Has a tendency towards using big words in the series. Super Strong Child Several times in the series, she shows this. Unwanted Assistance Cadpig has her heart in the right place, but her frequent attempts to help people usually only make things worse due to her refusal to listen to anyone questioning her methods. Two particular examples include where she tried to free a pet lobster and incited a feud between two cows that escalated into a farm wide conflict when she came in to. Watch The Rules Of Attraction Online The Rules Of Attraction Full Movie Online here. Im hungry He can be gentle and care free at times but after his family, food may be his true love. She was the smallest of the litter, despite being the twelfth born, and shared a close bond with Patch. She is referred to as. She was a very weak puppy she could not walk long distances and got tired easily. She was also addicted to television, even believing that a native display in a church was a television itself. In The Starlight Barking, she was the pet of the British prime minister, and aided her parents during the events of the story. She first appeared as a puppy of Pongo in 1. Dalmatians. In the series, there were four main characters Lucky, Cadpig, Rolly, and Spot. Watch Kung Pow: Enter The Fist Tube Free here. Cadpig is voiced by Kath Soucie. She is very much into New Age philosophies and does her best to promote her ideals and spread goodwill throughout the world. While her small stature has prevented her from obtaining the same level of strength as her brothers and sisters, she is much more learned than them and has a better understanding of the world. She also has an extensive vocabulary and often makes use of what Spot refers to as. This is primarily due to the fact that she sticks her nose into the conflicts of others when her assistance hasnt been requested she tends to ignore the obvious and instead favors psychoanalysis in order to discover the root cause of their conflict, which is something that everybody she has met has intensely disliked. However, she is incredibly gifted at doing just that and has proven on numerous occasions that she can talk to animals and completely break their spirits, discovering their emotional scars within moments and exploiting those emotional scars in order to achieve her objective. Not only has she physically assaulted various individuals on the Dearly Farm, including her own family members, she has also expressed a desire to manipulate the President of the United States dog so that she could tell him what to do and in effect take over the world. While such remarks are seldom taken seriously, her friends are often left bewildered by them, as they appear to come out of nowhere. Eventually, her design was changed so she have white floppy ears, black nose and a blue collar instead. Her concept design can still be seen on the business card of a Disney cartoonist. Her physical appearance also has some characteristics that are unique to her, as she has a larger head than most of the other Dalmatians, along with floppy ears and blue eyes. Despite her small stature, however, Cadpig can perform feats of strength that her brothers and sisters often cannot do such as being able to lift another character who is twice her size, though she usually only exhibits such strength when she is angry she also has an adept sense of hearing, which is stronger than that of her brothers and sisters. Cadpig also seems to have an extensive knowledge of fictional tribes and cultures. The remarks are usually used to bring Lucky back to earth when he is on an ego trip. Some examples are. Were all robots In one episode, when Cruella De Vil took over all the television networks, the Dalmatians decided to imagine how an episode of. Gipdac was dedicated to finding peace in the universe she speaks with others, not through oral discussion, but through a form of telepathy. She travels the universe in her heart shaped spacecraft that is disguised in storm clouds, and she has her two assistants, who appear to be Horace and Jasper, assist her in her endeavors to teach the way of peace to others. Later in that episode, Cadpig came to Cruella as the Ghost of Christmas Past, who told Cruella that she was going to take her on a journey trough her childhood. When Cruella initially refused, Cadpig resorted to using special effects in an attempt to scare her into changing her mind, which ultimately succeeded. As the Ghost of Christmas Past, Cadpig did her duty and she showed Cruella why she is evil today, though Cruellas lack of caring over her past misdeeds only frustrated Cadpig, she cuts their journey into the past short, claiming her hour is up despite Cruella insisting that its only been fifty minutes and wanting the full hour. Liberal Arts Full Movie In English'>Liberal Arts Full Movie In English. In the three part series finale, when Cadpig realizes that she had to do what she could to save Anita, she decided to dress up, with green algae and a headband with two planets, as the Shaggy Green Messenger, a prophesied being that the. Cadpigs antics managed to free Anita from the group in question and through such, Cadpig was ultimately responsible for saving Roger Dearly and Anitas marriage, though it was later revealed that in doing such, the. This account is also observed in the 1. Animation where Patch and Penny are always seen together, thus supporting the idea that Cadpig is. Also, in various dubs of the series, Cadpig is often renamed as Penny. The symptoms are sinusitis, a.