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Ordoliberalism - Wikipedia. This article is about political philosophy of Ordoliberalism. For their economic system, see Freiburg School. For the practical implementation in Germany, see Social market economy. Ordoliberalism is the German variant of social liberalism that emphasizes the need for the state to ensure that the free market produces results close to its theoretical potential.[1]Ordoliberal ideals (with modifications) drove the creation of the post- World War II German social market economy and its attendant Wirtschaftswunder. However, ordoliberals promoted the concept of the social market economy, and this concept promotes a strong role for the state with respect to the market, which is in many ways different from the ideas that are nowadays connected with the term neoliberalism.

However the term neoliberalism was originally coined by the German Freiberg School itself as a positive label. Despite the curious change of use there has been little scholarly debate.[2]The term "Ordoliberalism" (German: Ordoliberalismus) was coined in 1. Hero Moeller, and refers to the academic journal ORDO.[3]Linguistic differentiation[edit]Ordoliberals separate themselves from classical liberals.

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Notably Walter Eucken, with Franz Böhm, founder of Ordoliberalism and the Freiburg School,[4] rejected Neoliberalism.[5]Development[edit]The theory was developed from about 1. Germaneconomists and legal scholars from Freiburg School such as Walter Eucken, Franz Böhm, Hans Grossmann- Doerth, Leonhard Miksch and others. Ordoliberal ideals (with modifications) drove the creation of the post- World War II German social market economy.

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They were especially influential on forming a firm competition law in Germany. Since the 1. 96. 0s ordoliberal influence on economics and jurisprudence has significantly diminished[6] however many German economists define themselves as Ordoliberals till today, the ORDO (journal) is still published, and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Freiburg is still teaching it. Additionally some Institutes and Foundations like the Walter Eucken Institut or the Stiftung Ordnungspolitik are engaged in the ordoliberal tradition.

Implementation[edit]Ordoliberalism was a major influence of the economic model developed in post- war West Germany. Zorro Tv Series 1990 Download. Ordoliberalism in Germany became known as the Social Market Economy. The Ordoliberal model implemented in Germany was started under the government administration of Konrad Adenauer. His government's Minister of Economics, Ludwig Erhard, was a known Ordoliberal and adherent of the Freiburg School.

Under Adenauer, some, but not all, price controls were lifted, and taxes on small businesses and corporations were lowered. Furthermore, social security and pensions were increased to provide a social basis. Ordoliberals have stated that these policies led to the 'Wirtschaftswunder, or economic miracle.[7]Ordoliberal theory holds that the state must create a proper legal environment for the economy and maintain a healthy level of competition (rather than just "exchange") through measures that adhere to market principles.

This is the foundation of its legitimacy.[8] The concern is that, if the state does not take active measures to foster competition, firms with monopoly (or oligopoly) power will emerge, which will not only subvert the advantages offered by the market economy, but also possibly undermine good government, since strong economic power can be transformed into political power.[9]Quoting Stephen Padgett: "A central tenet of ordo- liberalism is a clearly defined division of labor in economic management, with specific responsibilities assigned to particular institutions. Monetary policy should be the responsibility of a central bank committed to monetary stability and low inflation, and insulated from political pressure by independent status.

Fiscal policy—balancing tax revenue against government expenditure—is the domain of the government, whilst macro- economic policy is the preserve of employers and trade unions (Funk, 2. Dyson, 2. 00. 1, p. The state should form an economic order instead of directing economic processes, and three negative examples ordoliberals used to back their theories were Nazism, Keynesianism, and Russian socialism.[1. The Ordoliberal idea of a social market economy is often seen as a progressive alternative beyond left and right[1. While the ordoliberal idea of a social market is similar to that of the third- way social democracy advocated by the likes of the New Labour government (especially during the Premiership of Tony Blair), there are a few key differences. Whilst they both adhere to the idea of providing a moderate stance between socialism and capitalism, the Ordoliberal social market model often combines private enterprise with government regulation to establish fair competition (although German network industries are known to have been deregulated),[1.

The third way social democracy model has also foreseen a clash of ideas regarding the welfare state's establishment, in comparison to the ordoliberal's idea of a social market model being open to the benefits of social welfare.[1. Ordoliberals are also known for pursuing a minimum configuration of vital resources and progressive taxation.[1. The Ordoliberal emphasis on the privatization of public services and other public firms such as telecommunication services; [1.

Wilhelm Röpke considered ordoliberalism to be "liberal conservatism", against capitalism in his work Civitas Humana ("A Humane Order of Society", 1. Alexander Rüstow also criticized laissez- fairecapitalism in his work Das Versagen des Wirtschaftsliberalismus ("The Failure of Economic Liberalism", 1. The ordoliberals thus separated themselves from classical liberals[8][1. Social security and social justice", wrote Eucken, "are the greatest concerns of our time".[2.

Michel Foucault also notes the similarity (beyond just historical contemporaneity) between the Ordo/Freiburg school and the Frankfurt School of critical theory, due to their inheritance from Max Weber. That is, both recognise the "irrational rationality" of the capitalist system, but not the "logic of contradiction" that Marx posited. Both groups took up the same problem, but in vastly different directions.[2. The political philosophy of Ordoliberals was influenced by Aristotle, Tocqueville, Hegel, Spengler, Karl Mannheim, Max Weber, and Husserl.[2. Criticism[edit]Ordoliberalism has its critics. According to Sebastian Dullien and Ulrike Guérot, ordoliberalism is central to the German approach to euro crisis resolution, which has often led to conflicts with other European countries.[2.

For Nobel Laureate F. A. Hayek's comment on the Ordo liberals, see his 1. The Transmission of the Ideals of Freedom."[2. Indeed, ordoliberal economist Hans- Werner Sinn of the University of Munich argues in his 2. The Euro Trap: On Bursting Bubbles, Budgets, and Beliefs that the "European Central Bank has become too accommodating and that its plans to buy sovereign debt are illegal". Additionally, he argues that the eurozonebailouts during the eurozone crisis have "created moral hazard, allowing feckless Mediterranean countries to get away with minimal reforms and only limited fiscal discipline".[2.

See also[edit]References[edit]^Ptak, Ralf (2. Neoliberalism in Germany: Revisiting the Ordoliberal Foundations of the Social Market Economy". In Mirowski, Philip; Plehwe, Dieter.

The Road From Mont Pèlerin: The Making of The Neoliberal Thought Collective. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press. ISBN 9. 78- 0- 6. Boas, Taylor C.; Gans- Morse, Jordan (2.

Neoliberalism: From New Liberal Philosophy to Anti- Liberal Slogan". Studies in Comparative International Development. ISSN 0. 03. 9- 3. Ptak, Ralf (2. 00. Vom Ordoliberalismus zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft: Stationen des Neoliberalismus in Deutschland (in German). VS Verlag. p. 2. 3. ISBN 3- 8. 10. 0- 4.

Nils Goldschmidt (2. Wirtschaft, Politik und Freiheit: Freiburger Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und der Widerstand.

St. Athanasius - Saints & Angels Take the Saints Trivia Quiz now! St. Athanasius, also known as Athanasius the Great and Athanasius the Confessor, was a bishop and doctor of the church. He is called the "Father of Orthodoxy," the "Pillar of the Church" and "Champion of Christ's Divinity." Athanasius became one of the most dedicated opponents of the heresy of Arianism. Much of his life was a testimony to the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Born in either 2. Alexandria, Egypt to a prominent Christian family, Athanasius received a wonderful education in Christian doctrine, Greek literature, philosophy, rhetoric and jurisprudence. He was well studied in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Gospel accounts and the Christian texts which would later be recognized by the Church as the canon of the New Testament. He credited the confessors during the Christian persecution under the Roman Emperor Maximian as his teachers of theology.

Bishop Alexander of Alexandria became a strong influence in Athanasius' life after Alexander witnessed him playing at administering Baptism as a young boy, with other children. Alexander called the boys over and after questioning them, he determined the baptisms were valid and decided to train them for priesthood. As he grew up, Athanasius befriended many monks and hermits of the desert, including St. Antony. He later wrote the biography of Antony.

Athanasius became Alexander's secretary in 3. Around this time, Athanasius wrote his first work, a theological treatise on the Incarnation which is still quoted extensively in Christian theological studies and spiritual literature. Around 3. 23, Arius, an ambitious priest of the Alexandrian Church, denied the Divinity of Christ, and began spreading word that Jesus Christ was not truly divine, but merely created in time by the Eternal Father. Alexander demanded Arius produce a written statement on the false doctrine.

It was condemned as heresy after two dissenting Bishops came forward. Arius and 1. 1 other priests and deacons were deposed, or removed from their office, for teaching false doctrine. Arius left for Caesarea, but continued to teach his false doctrine and enlisted support from the Bishop of Nicomedia, Eusebius and other Syrian prelates. Athanasius, as Alexander's secretary, was present during the great Church debate.

He may have even composed the letter that announced Arius' condemnation. Athanasius stood alongside Alexander during the famous Council of Nicaea to determine the matters of dogma. It was during this meeting, summoned by Emperor Constantine, that Arius' sentencing was officially confirmed and the Nicene Creed was adopted as the Creed of the Church and a worthy symbol of the orthodox Christian faith. The early Christian Church, still undivided, rejoiced at the defense of the true nature of Jesus Christ. To this day, Athanasius is considered the great defender of the Faith in both the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Just five months later, Alexander died and Athanasius succeeded him after being unanimously elected. He was consecrated as the new Bishop of Alexandria in 3.

Arianism. In 3. 30, Eusebius approached Emperor Constantine and convinced him to command Athanasius to allow Arians back into communion. Athanasius refused, noting the Catholic Church could not hold communion with heretics who attacked the divinity of Christ. However, Eusebius did not give up on his cause. He wrote to Athanasius trying to justify Arius and he wrote to the Egyptian Meletians in efforts to have Athanasius impeached. The Meletians charged Athanasius with the crimes of exacting a tribute of linen for use in his church, sending gold to Philomenus, treason against the emperor and authorizing one of his deputies to destroy a chalice being used at the altar by a Meletian priest. He was tried and proved his innocence on all accusations. The Arians didn't stop there though; they came forward with another charge, claiming he murdered a Meletian bishop.

Athanasius was ordered to attend a council at Caesarea, but knowing the bishop was alive and in hiding, Athanasius ignored the summons. In 3. 35, Emperor Constantine commanded Athanasius to go to the Council of Tyre, Lebanon. The council was full of Athanasius' opponents and was led by an Arian. Watch Man On The Train Online Man On The Train Full Movie Online there. Athanasius realized his condemnation was already pre- decided. Athanasius was exiled for the first time to Trier, Germany. While there, he kept in touch with his flock by letter. Athanasius' exile lasted for two and a half years.

He returned to Alexandria in 3. Emperor Constantine and Arius had died. Constantine's empire was divided between his three sons, Constantine II, Constantius and Constans. After he returned to Alexandria, his enemies continued to try to bring him to exile. They accused him of raising sedition, of promoting bloodshed, and detaining his own use of corn. Eusebius was able to obtain a second sentence of deposition against Athanasius and get the election of an Arian bishop for Alexandria approved.

After this, a letter was written to Pope St. Julius asking for his intervention and a condemnation of Athanasius.

The case for Athanasius was set forth, and the pope accepted the suggestion offered by Eusebius for a synod to discuss the situation. Meanwhile, a Cappadocian named Gregory was installed in Alexandria, and Athanasius went to Rome to await his hearing. Athanasius was completely vindicated by the synod, but was unable to return home to Alexandria until the death of the Cappadocian Gregory in 3.

Athanasius returned to Alexandria to scenes of people rejoicing after he had been absent for eight years. However, in 3. 53 Athanasius would face more condemnations by the Arians in the councils at Arles, France and again in 3. Milan, Italy. Persecution continued against Athanasius and escalated to physical attacks against him.

While he was celebrating a vigil Liturgy in a church in Egypt, soldiers forced their way in and killed some of the congregation. Athanasius managed to escape and hid in the desert, where a group of monks kept him safe for six years. During his years as a hermit, he wrote his Apology to Constantius, the Apology for His Flight, the Letter to the Monks, and the History of the Arians.

Athanasius returned to Alexandria after the death of Constantius in 3. Julian, revoked all sentences of exile enacted by his predecessor. This lasted only a few months though. Emperor Julian's plan for paganizing the Christian world couldn't get very far so long as Athanasius, the champion for Catholic faith, was around. Therefore, Julian exiled Athanasius and he once again sought refuge in the desert. He stayed there until 3. Julian died and the next emperor, Emperor Jovian reinstalled him.

Jovian's reign was a short one, and Athanasius was again banished just eight months later. Jovian's successor, Valens issued an order banning all Orthodox bishops who were exiled by Constantius. Four months later, Valens revoked his own order and Athanasius was restored permanently. Donkey Xote Movie Watch Online.

Over the course of his life, Athanasius was banished five times and spent 1. Christ's divinity. However, the last years of his life were peaceful and he died on May 2, 3. Alexandria. His body was transferred, first to Constantinople, then to Venice. St. Athanasius is often shown as a bishop arguing with a pagan, a bishop holding an open book or a bishop standing over a defeated heretic. He is a patron saint of theologians, and faithful Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christians and hailed to this day as a great Defender of the Faith.

His feast day is celebrated on May 2.